Value-in-Impact - Exploring the Disciplinary Gap between Natural and Economic Ecosystems: Towards Sustainability in Fisheries Management


The degradation of ocean ecosystems will have profound consequences for the value creation potential of all of humanity. Despite best efforts, the successful implementation of sustainability principles in fisheries management remains elusive considering the continuing depletion of global fish stocks. Separated by a disciplinary chasm, the ecosystem approach for the management of natural resources and the ecosystem approach in the management and marketing literature have remained separate. Bridging this gap is important to overcome the challenges imposed by transaction-centric, goods‑dominant economic theories that are based on value‑in‑exchange and value‑in‑use. Ongoing developments of the Service‑Dominant Logic of marketing provide the concept of value‑in‑impact as the link between natural and economic ecosystems. The potential of the concept to foster sustainable management of natural ecosystems is examined in the context of policy action and consumer behavior. When societal and economic ecosystems are conceptually embedded within natural ecosystems, the global success benchmark of net potential value necessitates the balancing of present interests with considerations regarding future generations. While this is intuitive, managerial and policy implementations may have failed due to a disciplinary divide.


Attila Pohlmann
Professor of Marketing, CADE, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Pichincha, Ecuador


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus - Accelerating the Transition to Sustainability: Policy Solutions for the Climate Emergency


Ecosystem services, Interdisciplinary, Value‑in‑impact, Natural ecosystem, Ethics