How Do We Learn about Implementing Sustainability in Planning and Design? : A Systematic Review with Contents of Planning and Design Education


The long-term environmental effects of planning and design decisions require careful considerations. Sustainable development offers a holistic approach to address the complexities and interrelated aspects of these decisions. Higher education institutions have developed, over recent years, multiple perspectives to incorporate sustainability in the curricula. This research categorizes these different approaches to infuse sustainability in higher education. This paper identifies patterns and trends in how programs reacted to sustainability education challenges in planning and design. The study conducted a review from 2011-2020 on existing curricula, experiences, and lessons from higher education programs. This analysis allows us to identify important lessons to achieve sustainability education in planning and design courses. This research selected articles based on different combinations of keywords in three publication databases. The analysis uses the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis for Protocols 2015 (PRISMA-P 2015) protocol approach. The findings show current sustainability contents of planning and design education revealed challenges such as the requirement of a lot of time and effort, insufficient funding for supporting sustainability programs, environmental restriction, etc., in developing sustainability education contents and suitable elements to achieve sustainability education in the planning and design course. This research contributes to the improvement of the existing sustainability education curricula for planning and design education programs. The study proposes a pedagogical model for planning and design in higher education by identifying challenges and lessons to improve teaching sustainability in this field.


Hye Yeon Park
Student, Ph.D. Candidate, Utah State University, Utah, United States

Carlos Licon
Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, LAEP USU, Utah, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education, Assessment and Policy


Curriculum, Higher education, Pedagogy, Planning and design education, Sustainability education