Green Development of Marine Fish Culture Industry in China: Concept Evolution, Progress, and Impediments


Green development of marine fish culture industry is the key to the transformation and upgrading of marine fish culture industry in China. Based on the definition of green development of aquaculture, using the data collected by China Agriculture Research System for Marine Fish Culture Industry and China Fishery Statistical Yearbook, this paper analyzes the progress of green development of marine fish culture industry and its impediments during this transformation and upgrading process in China. The results showed that green development of China’s marine fish culture industry made certain progresses, for instance, green aquaculture modes, including recirculating aquaculture system, offshore cage aquaculture, and engineering pond aquaculture had been preliminary adopted in China. The impediments, such as the lack of natural capital perspective, the insufficient application of green technologies, the deficiency of aquaculture risk prevention system, the incompleteness of price coordination mechanism, and the imperfect information signaling mechanism of green produce slowed the pace of this process. Countermeasures to solve these problems and promote green development of this industry in China are also suggested, including advancing green aquaculture education for stakeholders, extending green technologies, completing benefit linkage mechanisms, reforming associations and cooperatives of marine fish farmers, and improving the institutional arrangement.


Longqi Sun
Student, Doctor, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China

Zhengyong Yang
Head of College of Economics and Management , College of Economics and Management , Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Concept evolution; Green development; Impediments; Marine fish culture industry; Progress