Strategic Climate Change Communication in Ghana: A Creative Effort Toward Mitigation and Adaptation


The anthropogenic climate change experienced today is mostly caused by the human related activities like burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Greenhouse gas emissions continued to rise. The consequences of these emissions have a time-lag of decades, and it’s unavoidable that greenhouse gas emissions will continue to rise, regardless of any mitigation that occurs now. Although mitigation models themselves are complex and ridden with uncertainties such as population growth and socio-economic development, the message they convey is clear. Given the magnitude of the issue, and the urgency with which it must be addressed, there is the need for rapid and thoughtful responds. The research is aimed as translating the research around strategic climate change communication and community engagement into a creative project like a game. The game was launched is some of the most affected communities in Ghana. Each copy was hosted by a “Climate Ambassador,” who was a community member involved with local climate activism. The game play was able to go beyond traditional methods of disseminating information that applies to the public realm. This project intends to further action around climate change in communities, a phenomenon that promises to affect all.


Rosemary Nunoo
Researcher , Research and Community Development , Rural Education and Agriculture Development International , Ghana

Isaac Nunoo


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Climate change, Ghana,Greenhouse gases