Deducting a Mechanism for Community Participatory to Address Urban Spaces in ‎Egypt as an Entry Point to Boost Sustainability


The sixteenth goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development issued by the United ‎‎Nations indicates the importance of participation. It came through an emphasis on ensuring ‎‎that responsive, comprehensive, participatory, and representative decisions are taken at all ‎‎levels. The seventeenth goal also indicates the need to strengthen the means of ‎‎implementation and revitalize the partnership. Hence, these two goals were addressed ‎‎within Egypt’s 2030 agenda for sustainable development. It was noted that in the local ‎‎context, there is no clear vision or mechanism for the participatory process to support ‎‎sustainable development through planning, designing, managing, and maintaining urban ‎‎spaces as one of the areas of implementing the concept of participation. This has an impact ‎on the aesthetic and functional values, where some ‎participatory processes are not directed ‎to boost Sustainability as a goal.‎ In this context, the research aims to study the importance of community participation in ‎upgrading urban spaces from both the conceptual and applied aspects. The paper also seeks ‎to analyze the interaction between the local community and the different types of ‎participation. The paper conducted an analytical study of some urban spaces in the global ‎context, which dealt with the participatory concept. That identified the principles on which ‎the successful urban spaces were based on. Then the paper extracted a participatory ‎mechanism that can be used in the design, rehabilitation, and management of urban spaces ‎to contribute to improving their efficiency and overcoming their shortcomings in ‎developing countries in general and Egypt in particular.‎


Usama Konbr
Associate Professor, Tanta University, Faculty of Engineering, Architectural Engineering Department, Al Gharbiyah, Egypt


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Participatory Process


Community Participatory; Urban spaces; Sustainability; Egypt