Legal Protection for the Climate-Induced Migration/Displacement in South Asia: Exploring a Just Solution


Adverse impacts of climate change resulting in forcible displacement and migration of the human population in many parts of the world including South Asia. Climate-induced migration/displacement (hereinafter referred as CIM/D) is a reality in Bangladesh and cross-border migration is a potential threat for regional security, peace, and human rights issues in South Asia. Legal and policy approaches to CIM/D are needed at national, regional, and international levels taking into account the issues related to environmental protection, human rights, and sustainable development goals. However existing international, regional, and national legal frameworks are yet to provide adequate legal protection to the CIM/D. Therefore, paper identifies the cause and consequences of CIM/D in the context of Bangladesh with regional dimensions and to identify the gaps at the national and regional legal frameworks in South Asia with the ultimate goal of providing some policy guidance to address gaps and barriers. And to do so, key questions that the paper assessed are: What are the causes and consequences of Climate-induced migration and displacement (CIM/D) in the context of South Asia? How current South Asia legal frameworks on climate change, human rights, and humanitarian law address issues related to climate-induced migration? What are the gaps, scopes and constraints of the existing laws, policies, and institutions at the national and regional levels of South Asia? What are the potential legal and policy approaches and the role of the state actors that needed to deal with CIM/D at the national and regional levels of South Asia?


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus - Accelerating the Transition to Sustainability: Policy Solutions for the Climate Emergency


Climate-Induced Migration/Displacement; South Asia, Legal Framework; Regional Peace and Security