Sustainable Use of Recycled Plastics and Construction and Demolition Waste in Hydraulic Concrete for Civil Works : Mitigating the Climate Emergency


In recent years, environmental policies have generated the search for technical solutions to reduce the effects of the climate emergency and environmental pollution, leading to the investigation of innovative alternatives that can contribute in this direction. This study considers new options in civil works, such as the incorporation of plastic waste (PW) and construction and demolition waste (CDW). PW and CDW have been transformed into the most generated waste in the planet, becoming a focus of environmental contamination in the different cities of the world. For this reason, methodologies are proposed for the correct use of these wastes within hydraulic concrete, which is the most used manufactured construction material by humanity. In this research, laboratory tests and procedures were carried out to determine the PW optimal dosage, evaluating the physical and mechanical characteristics required to be used in pavements, buildings, highway civil works, infrastructure and public space. This work presents important contributions that can be implemented anywhere in the world, using clear, low-cost methodologies and with efficient results, it also contributes significantly in reducing the global climate emergency and environmental pollution. Finally, this work allows generating policies and regulations for the reuse of plastic waste and CDW in the elaboration of hydraulic concrete for civil works in countries or regions that do not have this type of policy.


Henry Mauricio Muñoz Trochez
Professor, Universidad del Cauca, Cauca, Colombia

Ferney Quiñones Sinisterra


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus - Accelerating the Transition to Sustainability: Policy Solutions for the Climate Emergency