Botanical Art in Environment-based Education for Sustainable Development: Plant Biodiversity Conservation and Promotion of Sustainable Culture


In contemporary world, art is understood not only as aesthetic comprehension of reality and development of a creative personality but as a way of socio-cultural communication and cooperation. It provides a dialogue between different countries and nations, contributes to the promotion of environmental issues and helps solving acute problems of society. Taking into consideration the enormous creative and socially engaged capacity of art, culture is an integral component of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In the context of the growing concern about climate change and search for effective solutions of environmental sustainability, different eco-friendly arts are becoming relevant. Botanical art is of high importance in that regard as it is one of the oldest styles of artistic visualization of the environment. Botanical art is a combination of creative concepts and practices, aimed at aesthetically beautiful and scientifically accurate visual depiction of plant species and the expression of artist ethical attitude to current environmental issues for sustainable development. Botanical Art is one of the cultural and educational accelerators of environmental sustainability, and the following issues are of special concern: methodology for the development of sustainable culture, including the harmonious combination of natural science, artistic and aesthetic components and the enhancement of interdisciplinary competencies; content and forms of environment-based art education, taking into consideration educational level, age, psychological, social and other characteristics of student; development and implementation of methods and technologies, including information communication tools (ICT) and digital media, aimed at revealing the capacity of botanical art in environmental education.


Anastasia Maksimova


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education, Assessment and Policy


Biodiversity, Botanical Art, Eco-friendly Culture, Environmental Education, Sustainable Development