A Global Voice for Survival: An Ecosystem-Oriented Approach to Advocacy, Education, and Public Policies


Socio-technical change implies a confrontation with vested interests and lock-ins and barriers sustained by the paradigms of growth, power, wealth, work, and freedom embedded into the political, technological, economic, social, cultural and educational institutions. “Being-in-the-world” encompasses man’s relationship with himself (intimate dimension), man’s relationship with his fellow beings (interactive dimension), man’s relationship with overall society (social dimension), man’s relationship with his environment (biophysical dimension). Public policies, advocacy, communication, research and teaching programmes should take into account all dimensions, as they combine to elicit the events, suffer the consequences and organize for change, a process of exploration, inquiry and discovery, both in the academy and in society at large. How can Earth be retrieved (regenerate) by the retrieval (regeneration) of men? How can people be retrieved (regenerate) by the retrieval (regeneration) of Earth? How are people engaged as social, political, economic and institutional actors? How do the different forms of being in the world affect the process of change? Institutional capacity, judicial neutrality, informational transparency, and social spaces for public engagement offer a process of exploration, inquiry, and discovery, encompassing a thematic (“what”), an epistemic (“how”) and a strategic (policies) approach to environmental problems, quality of life and the state of the world. Priority is given to a set of values, norms, and policies related to human well-being, quality of life and natural and built environments, to the development of socio-cultural learning niches to change perspectives, develop boundary-crossing skills, and cope with complexity and expertise in a critical and creative way.


André Francisco Pilon
Associate Professor, Departamento de Gestão e Política de Saúde, University of São Paulo / International Academy of Science, Health and Ecology, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education, Assessment and Policy


Education, Environment, Ecosystems, Public Policies