Emerging Technologies and the Future of Sport Management : Debating the Way Forward


The purpose of this study is to encourage higher education undergraduate and graduate debates that advance an awareness of emerging technologies, and their perspectives on an ethical way forward concerning the potential impacts of such technologies on sport management. A framework by Van Dorsser et al. (2020) was used to guide examinations on the future of sport with respect policymaking and the implications of emerging technologies. This framework focused on: (a) The identification of potential problems (with the integration of emerging technologies within sport that included: advancing strategies for rebuilt bodies and sport competition categories, rocket technology and new sport events, and artificial intelligence and events; (b) The identification of potential solutions (and generating an ethical way forward with flexible options framed with the ethical ethos of consequentialism, nonconsequentialsm, and virtue ethics, as well as constitutive, regulative, and auxiliary rules in sport; (c) Understanding the impacts and trade-offs for the consequences associated with each option. Students today will lead sport into the future. They will be the one’s tasked with establishing the way forward to ensure fair and equitable sporting contests with the integration of emerging technologies. They can begin preparation for this role with an advancing awareness of emerging technologies that are to hit the marketplace in the next decade. They can begin to debate the implications for sport, their options, and their role in finding an ethical way forward.


Cheryl Mallen
Associate Professor, Sport Management, Brock University, Ontario, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Sports Education