Beyond the Game - Building a Globalized System for Protecting Athletes and Preserving Sport Integrity: Proposing a Unified Framework to Combat Abuse and Ensure Health in Sports Worldwide


With hundreds of millions of individuals engaging in sports worldwide, the prevalence of abuse within sporting contexts poses a significant concern. Studies indicate that a staggering number of athletes, spanning various ages and levels of competition, will experience some form of abuse during their sporting careers. In response, there is an urgent need to establish a supportive, inclusive global community of sports safety professionals dedicated to combating this issue. We advocate for the creation of a unified framework aimed at disseminating knowledge, increasing accountability, and fostering a culture of safety and respect within the global sports community. By leveraging international collaboration and promoting proactive measures, such as education and policy reform, we can work towards creating a safer environment that prioritizes the well-being of athletes and upholds the integrity of sports worldwide.


Bobby Click
Exective Director, Safe Sport Matters LLC, Colorado, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Sport and Health


Athlete Abuse, Safety, Prevention, Response