Sport and Democracy: The Polemic Nature of Agonistic Social Practices


Although consistently cited as a tenet of good governance in sport, the application of the principle democracy has been rather limited in sport. Exemplifying the relationship between democracy, sport, and philosophy by developing our understanding of the concepts polemos and agon, via conceptual analysis, can help to enhance our experience with these agonistic practices. Not all social practices are, or need to be, agonistic, but it is important to do our best to understand and take care of those essentially agonistic social practices, in order to preserve their character and enable our existence to develop in a more free and enriching way. If we are to accept that democracy and sport are inherently related, then we might consider the implications of approaching sport in a more democratic fashion. What impact could such an approach have on the sport experiences of athletes? What are the implications for governing systems? What would be the role of stakeholder education?


Breana Mc Coy
PhD Candidate, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport - Kinanthropolgy, Charles University, Jihoceský kraj, Czech Republic


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Sporting Cultures and Identities


Democracy, Sport, Philosophy, Polemos, Agon

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