Identity of College Students' E-sports Fans


Based on the theory of role identity, this study summarizes the problems of college students’ e-sports fans’ role identity and expression, so as to provide suggestions for shaping and promoting the healthy growth of college students’ e-sports fans. In-depth interviews and focus group interviews were used to collect first-hand data on research issues. First, on the one hand, college students’ e-sports fans actively through playing e-sports games, watching e-sports events and e-sports related consumption to highlight and shape the role of e-sports fans. On the other hand, college students’ e-sports fans hesitate, slack off and deny the role of e-sports fans in the face of the social and family doubts and pressure on e-sports fans. Second, although college students inwardly agree with the status and development prospects of e-sports, they dare not express and acknowledge the value and significance of e-sports related professions and e-sports, especially when facing their families. Based on role identity theory, this study finds that there are contradictions and inconsistencies between internal identity and external expression of college students when they face the role of e-sports fans. This study makes the following recommendations. Firstly, psychological intervention and counseling are carried out for college students who are fans of e-sports. Secondly, the in-depth popularization of the history of e-sports, so that college students e-sports fans have a deeper understanding of the significance of e-sports. Third, let college students e-sports fans truly and transparently experience and feel e-sports related things.


Hanxi Li
Student, master's degree, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai, China

Congcong Qi
Student, Master Degree, Tongji University, Shanghai, China


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Sporting Cultures and Identities