Girls Incorporated - Violence, Athletics, and Gender Anxiety within Preventative and Counter Violent Extremism : A Case Study of Girls' Athletics Programming in Jordan


This study explores the proliferation of athletic programs in Jordan that seek to promote resilience and empowerment for girls. By interviewing interlocutors who combine security logics with gendered discourses of violence, this paper shows that these athletic programs for girls present a unique nexus of contemporary logics in P/CVE. Further, these programs also demonstrate the profound ways changing gender dynamic(s) within P/CVE discourses and practices are impacting global discourses on women’s roles in both the production and prevention of violence within public and private spaces. Ultimately, using discourse and media analysis alongside interviews, this analysis demonstrates that P/CVE logics both perpetuate stereotypes about women and violence, and distract attention from larger conversations regarding the women’s agency within the framework of violent extremism, to disputes over the gendering of sports.


Molly O'hagan
Student, MA, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus—Sport and Society in Crisis


Girls, Violent Extremism, Athletics, Gender, Empowerment, P/CVE, Public Space