Crime, Deviance, and Corruption in Esports


As the esport industry rises in North America and around the world, so too does the prevalence of crime, deviance, and corruption in and around esports. Through the examination of media files and legal documents, we identify and describe six different types of crime, deviance, and corruption in esports including: i) human rights violations including hate crimes, sexual harassment, discrimination, and virtual violence, ii) recreational and performance-enhancing drug use, iii) intellectual property theft, iv) labour exploitation and workplace health and safety violations, v) illegal betting and vi) match-fixing. We examine the challenges of policing and regulating esports in an online and international context. In doing so, this study explores the relations between law, governance, technology, and sport. We conclude with recommendations for strategically reducing crime, deviance, and corruption in esports.


Curtis Fogel
Associate Professor, Brock University, Canada

Cullum Brownbridge
Student, PhD, Brock University, Ontario, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Sports Management & Commercialization


Esports; Sports Law; Sociolegal Aspects of Sport; Criminology of Sport