Disney Bubble: NBA 2019-2020 - the Social Impact of the Coronavirus Crisis on World Sports and Tourism


The Pandemic has brought significant impacts on several sectors of the global economy. Sports and its leagues, inserted in several financial transactions and a well-recognized profitable market, are part of this range of sectors impacted by the pandemic. In this scenario of uncertainty, it became necessary to think of strategies to reduce the impact of the global crisis. This paper analyzes the NBA Bubble (Disney Bubble), as a strategy to face the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the sports and tourism industry. The research method was exploratory and descriptive with bibliographical research. As the main results, it was possible to see that Disney Bubble was fundamental in combating the impacts of the current pandemic crisis. This strategy allowed the sports sector to considerably reduce the effects of the crisis, with success, including sanitary control.


Pedro Oliveira
Student, Tourism, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus—Sport and Society in Crisis


Tourism, Sports, Sports events, Pandemic, Covid-19