The Effect of Concussion Prevention Programs Among High School American Football Players: A Systematic Review


Sports-related concussion (SRCs) rates among high school students have dramatically increased in most recent years. This systematic review assessed prevention strategies and programs that lower the risk of concussion among American high school football. Nine different search engines were used to extract articles. The databases included Ageline, CINAHL, EBSCO, ERIC, Health Business, Heath Source: Nursing Academic Edition, MEDLINE, and MEDLINE with full text. Articles were included in the selection process if they met the following: (1) focused on American football, (2) involved high school football players only, (3) injury focus was based on concussions that were caused from playing football, and (4) discussed reliable prevention techniques and/or strategies. Despite the limited number of studies (n=6), all articles found that existing programs effectively lower concussion-related incidence rates. Programs that included an appropriate helmet, customized mandibular orthodontics, a strategy to reduce the amount of physical contact during practice, and educational resources for athletes and coaches were proven to reduce head injury. However, a gold standard approach is not available in reducing concussions among high school athletes. Thus, we conclude that studies that utilize two or more of the strategies listed above should be conducted to significantly lower concussion risks among high school athletes.


Brooke Clifton
Student, Student, Indiana University Kokomo, Indiana, United States

Ghadah Alshuwaiyer
Assistant Professor of Health Sciences, School of Sciences, Indiana University Kokomo, Indiana, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Sport and Health


Concussion, Prevention, High School, Programs, Football