Educational Value of Physical Activities in the Natural Environment Developed Using Experiential Methodologies: Systematic Review


Physical activities in the natural environment can contribute to the individual’s integral development as long as they are considered from an educational perspective and planned in advance. This research has focused on those activities that use an experiential methodology to achieve educational objectives. They are characterised by being based on learning through first-person experience, involving participants in their own learning processes. The main objective was to analyse the educational value of physical activities in the natural environment, developed through educational methodologies based on experiential learning. A systematic review was performed to analyse the existing literature in the field between 2004 and 2018, search words were selected, a series of eligibility and exclusion criteria were established for the publications found and the sources of information used for the search for material were chosen. A total of 3361 publications were found, from which 15 were selected after successive screening processes. Finally, these studies were analysed in order to observe the existence of benefits for the participants in physical, cognitive and psychological aspects after the implementation of the programmes. As a conclusion, the paper highlights recognition of the educational value of physical activities in the natural environment developed using experiential methodology.


Virginia Gómez Barrios
Professor, Department of Social Sciences of Physical Activity, Sports and Leisure, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Lázaro Mediavilla Saldaña

Vicente Gómez Encinas


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Sports Education


Physical activities, Natural environment, Methodology, Education, Systematic review