In Support of the Socially Conscious Athlete: What the Sport Hierarchy Can Learn from Outspoken Athletes


On time professional quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, sparked a national argument by ‘taking a knee’ during the ritual playing of the national anthem before every NFL game. Kaepernick’s symbolic, unspoken protest was a way for him to create awareness of various social issues surrounding the continued subjugation in this country of black people and other people of color. As a result, Kaepernick was punished for his actions. But Kaepernick is not the only athlete, or in some cases group of athletes, who has been ‘punished’ by the predominately white-male sport hierarchy after speaking out on issues regarding race and basic civil rights. But why and by whom were these athletes punished? Since most of the athletes are now celebrated as trailblazers and are held in the highest regard, wouldn’t it be prudent for today’s sport hierarchy to learn from the past and instead of punishing the athletes, come to their support and partner with them in an effort to raise the overall social consciousness of our society?This paper explores the history of the athletes who spoke out on various social injustices, while also focusing on the predominately white men within the sport hierarchy who felt it necessary to punish them for their actions.


Robert Romano
Assistant Professor, Sport Management, St. John's University, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Sporting Cultures and Identities


Society civil rights equality