Effect of the Type of Feedback on Perceived Competence, Autonomous Motivation, and Vitality in a Goal Throwing Task: Implications for Physical Education of Young Athletes


The effect of feedback on motor learning is no longer understood solely with an informative objective on how the activity is being carried out. Thus, evidence is beginning to be found that suggests that the feedback provided to athletes is not only informative in the learning process, but also has effects on other variables that determine performance (García-Herrero, Carcedo, 2019). This study considers different investigations that delve into the role of positive and negative feedback in sports tasks (Saemi, Porter, Ghotbi-Varzaneh, Zarghami & Maleki, 2012). Apparently, positive feedback is related to higher levels of intrinsic motivation and perceived competence (Nicaise, Cogerino, Bois & Amorose, 2006).


Diego Soto
Student, University expert in sports training, Universidad San Jorge, Aragón, Spain


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Sports Education


Coaching; Youth Sport; Students Athletes; Motivation