Beyond Words: A Guide to Communication and Teaching Redefined with the Dynamic Voice of Artificial Intelligence


In this engaging session designed for educators and their students, the primary goal is to empower learners to collaboratively construct compelling speeches with the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI). We can all harness the capabilities of AI as a valuable comparative tool, gaining insights into crafting effective communication while discerning the unique human touch that personalizes speech writing beyond the capabilities of AI. By utilizing AI, participants will navigate the intricacies of speech development, learning to recognize not only what to include but also the nuances of what is best left unsaid. Emphasizing the irreplaceable role of personalization in speechwriting and presentations, this session underscores that, while AI excels in providing structural guidance, the art of tailoring communication to individual contexts requires a distinct “human” finesse. This comprehensive approach aims to equip educators and their students with a nuanced understanding of AI’s role in speech and presentation development, emphasizing its potential as a supportive tool rather than a substitute for human ingenuity. By navigating the dynamic interplay between humans and AI, this session provides a unique learning opportunity to refine communication skills and empower educators with innovative strategies for integrating technology into the art of persuasive expression.


Dena Aucoin
Faculty, Professional Studies, Purdue Global, Michigan, United States

Tyler Sorg
Professor, General Education, Purdue University Global, Indiana, United States

Dorothy Williams
Professor, College Social & Behavioral Sciences, Purdue University Global, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2025 Special Focus—Learning from Artificial Intelligence: Pedagogical Futures and Transformative Possibilities


Artificial intelligence, Communication, Speech Writing, Human Ingenuity