Looking for a Job: A Curriculum Design within the Degree of Japanese, Chinese and Russian


This paper is a part of the research project entitled “Languages in the Professional Environment: Internationalization, Diversity and Employment in Classes of Russian, Chinese and Japanese” at one university in Spain. According to our previous observations, as professors, humanities and modern languages students consider that their job opportunities mainly deal with teaching or translation and interpreting since these two professions are the ones that are most commonly related to the training they receive in these subjects at the Faculty of Modern Languages. Therefore, the present project has been designed to increase the employability of graduates with a degree in Modern Languages for the minority languages at the same university which are Russian, Chinese, and Japanese, but also to show future professionals the wide variety of jobs they can apply to. This teaching innovation project aims to create a teaching unit (6 sessions of 2 hours each) that includes the following contents: socio-cultural and contrasting theoretical aspects about job search, a specific glossary, linguistic activities related to job search, CV writing, reading job offers, mock job interviews, writing formal emails, etc. These activities will be adapted to the specifics of Chinese, Russian, and Japanese culture and courses of the higher and advanced levels (B2). The final session includes a meeting with graduates employed in different labor sectors to students’ vision of what they can do after graduation and extend their employability limits.


Tamara Gorozhankina
Profesora, Centro Ruso, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Tatjana Portnova
Profesora Sustituta, Filología Eslava, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Chiara Uliana
PhD Candidate, General Linguistics and Literature Theory, University of Granada, Spain


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2023 Special Focus—Smart Education 4.0 Empowering Learners and Educators


Curriculum Design, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Language Teaching