Instruction Design Thinking : Qualification and Professional Profile of the European Instructional Designer


The QUEST—Qualifying for the Ultimate Engaging Smart Training — is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ program in Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships in Vocation Education and Training. It is a partnership of six organizations from different countries: ISQe (Portugal), IADE/Universidade Europeia (Portugal), University of Turku (Finland), Future in Perspective (Ireland), EFCoCert Foundation (Switzerland), and EDEN DLE (Estonia). These partners are working together to create the European Instructional Designer Professional Profile, the corresponding qualification, and the process of Recognition of Prior Learning. The field of Instructional Design has the potential to contribute significantly to creating digital contexts. Still, it is not yet regulated in Europe, nor have the standards for its practitioners been thoroughly systematized. How the professional profile of the European Instructional Designer should fit is discussed in this study in relation to the fields of Instructional Design and Design Thinking. Instruction Design Thinking is thus at the core of the paper to establish an innovative context for the qualification and professional profile of the European Instructional Designer. The professional in question should be in charge of creating, producing, and disseminating learning materials, as well as managing the Instructional Systems Design procedure. The educational materials may include video tutorials, learning simulations, instructional manuals, online courses, and other electronic learning tools. Given their potential skills, the European instructional designer is in a crucial position to support the success of the 2021–2027 Digital Education Action Plan and the European Union’s overall policy and strategy on digital and green transitions.


Antonio Gorgel Pinto
Assistant Professor and Researcher, Design and Multimedia, IADE, Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, European University, Lisboa, Portugal

Carlos Rosa
Dean, IADE, Portugal


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2023 Special Focus—Smart Education 4.0 Empowering Learners and Educators


Instruction Design Thinking, Instructional Design, E-Learning Experience, European Qualifications