Experiential Learning for Technology Accommodation: Understanding Students' Changing Perceptions towards the Employment of VR in STEM


The design and deployment of a composite analvtical instrument was directed to evaluate and understand users’ changing technological frames with time. The comparison of perceptual snapshots; as expressed through the Technology Frames of Reference; taken before and after the use of VR in STEM and, the employment of subdomain variables from the Technology Acceptance Model catered for expressing users’ changing opinions on VR. In the process nascent users’ subjective opinions towards VR employment within formal educational settings complimented personalised learning qualities that are suggestive of E4.0 traits.


Patrick Camilleri
Senior Lecturer, Department of Leadership for Learning and innovation, University of Malta, Malta


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Smart Education 4.0 Empowering Learners and Educators


E4.0, Perceptions, Technology acceptance, VR