User Experience Considerations for Smarter Hybrid Distance Learning


This paper discusses user experience considerations for smarter hybrid distance learning and teaching, concerning academic staff and students in higher education. Hybrid learning in the context of this paper is interpreted as learning and teaching practice where learning design might incorporate fully distance learning delivery of courses and include remote learners situated in various locations that preclude physically attending a single university campus. Teaching might include synchronous lecture delivery for both attendees in class and remote learners accessing via lecture capture technologies, but may additionally adopt pedagogies that place emphasis on active learner-centred learning rather than relying (only) on lecture delivery. Smarter learning is interpreted as technology-supported effective and efficient learning environments, content and process for learning. Technologies utilised to enhance learning and teaching might be mixtures of ‘smart enough’ apps or third-party platforms as well as utilisation of more common learning management systems (LMS) for effective content and activity delivery. Potential challenges in implementations and use of smart classrooms or virtual labs are additionally acknowledged. Focus is placed on West Balkans universities participating in the Smartel Erasmus+ Project, with user feedback highlighting factors of general awareness, enablers and hindrances to uptake of online course delivery, and possible mechanisms to support communities in the management of change. Practical issues are discussed for several key user groups, with attention to inclusivity of lower income, remote learners and accessibility for those with special needs.


Pen Lister
RSO 3, Department of Leadership for Learning & Innovation, University of Malta, Malta


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Smart Education 4.0 Empowering Learners and Educators


Hybrid-learning, Distance-learning, Smart-learning, Remote-learners, Change, Academic Support