Creativity, Play, Learning: A Case Study on the Innovative Pedagogy of Arkki


This research explores the innovative teaching approach used by Arkki, School of Architecture for Children and Youth in Finland. Arkki’s playful learning approach, which supports creativity and problem-solving skills in children in STEAM education, shows similarities with designers in the creative problem-solving process. By defining these similarities, play can become an essential asset in the future planning of design education. The Arkki workshops held in Turkey between September 2021 and January 2023 were used as the main source of data for this case study. Forty children between 6 and 12 years old using play as a tool in a design task were observed and the tasks they have completed were analyzed in terms of creative process. The data was analyzed by identifying patterns and establishing connections with the realm of play. The study’s key findings emphasize the value of play and experimentation in developing children’s creativity and problem-solving abilities. It is suggested that including play in pedagogy can have a positive impact on children’s ability to think creatively and solve design problems. The study serves as a basis for drawing similarities for further investigation of cognitive processes of the designing ability and children’s playing activities.


Lara Divris
Student, Master's Student, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Deniz Leblebici-Basar
Assistant Professor, Industrial Design, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designing Social Transformations


Design Education, Creativity, Play, Design Process