Synchronous Sharing in an Online Textile Design Class


In recent years the move to and acceptance of online synchronous teaching and learning has advanced due in large part to the pandemic and the increase in remote employment. Emerging technologies are providing unique opportunities to engage with students in efficient and effective ways. In October 2022, Adobe launched Share for Review (beta) in Illustrator allowing users to share projects with others for review and feedback without leaving the Creative Cloud application. In the Zoom cloud-based platform, instructors have the ability to access their students work in order to provide feedback and assist with technical issues via the Remote Control feature. This has proven to be effective but there have been drawbacks such as lag time, dropped connections, and screen freeze. This poster showcases the results comparing the ease of use and overall effectiveness of Share for Review (beta) in Adobe Illustrator and the Request Remote Control function in Zoom used in an online synchronous textile design course offered via Zoom. The Share for Review feature was introduced mid-semester and paired with a complex pattern project requiring students to synthesize art and design elements in order to create advanced textile designs. This is the first main project when students begin to realize how important it is to focus more on the refinement of their work which in turn requires more individual attention and time-consuming feedback from the instructor.


Hunter Jones
Assistant Professor, Clothing Textiles and Interior Design, The University of Alabama, Alabama, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2023 Special Focus—Smart Education 4.0 Empowering Learners and Educators


Synchronous Sharing, Synchronous Teaching, Synchronous Feedback, Online learning, Textile Design