Audio and Speech Processing: Techniques and Functions in Relation to Foreign Language Learning


In this current age of development of information and communication technology (ICT) people learn a language more easily than ever before. This technological development may assist improving language learning, particularly foreign language learning easy. It helps not only by supporting better and flexible workflow and more digital study materials but also by creating completely new use cases made possible by technological improvements in signal processing algorithms. The signals are usually processed in a digital representation, thus speech processing can be regarded as a special case of digital signal processing that applies to speech signals. There are few aspects of speech signals that include: acquisition, manipulation, storage of the signals, transfer the speech signals as well as output of the speech signals. Here we attempt to establish the relations of speech processing techniques and functions and show how these assist to learn a foreign language in an easier way.


Md Ariful Islam
Asst. Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Varendra University, Bangladesh


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies of Mediation


Audio Processing, Foreign Language Acquisition and Learning, Speech Processing, Technological