Gender Diversity in the Curriculum of Brazil`s Secondary Schools


This paper analyses ways Brazil’s secondary schools embrace social transformation through the inclusion of gender diversity in their curricula or syllabi. Regional diversity is contemplated through a comparative focus on countryside schools in the southern state of Paraná and urban schools in the northeastern state of Pernambuco, more specifically the capital city of Recife. An in-depth investigation (2018-22) has given audibility to teachers’ and school administrators’ views on this controversial topic, particularly in the context of the then incumbent far right government’s escalating heteronormative and prejudiced narratives and moves. How do schools in the two regions accommodate, on the one hand, the progressive 1996 National Education Guidelines and Framework, still in place, and the inclusive legalization of same-sex relationships and, on the other, intimidating political-religious discourses in the spheres of power? What roles can new technologies play in this educational context?


Else R. P. Vieira
Professor of Brazilian and Comparative Latin American Sudies, Modern Languages and Cultures, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

Sonia Fatima Schwendler
Education, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designing Social Transformations


Gender Diversity, Curricula, Secondary Schools, Brazil