Five Challenges to the Success of Ubiquitous Learning: Discussion and Potential Solutions


There exists nearly universal agreement regarding the benefits of e-learning technologies to support knowledge sharing and lifelong learning. Although the goal of lifelong learning may be partially achievable due to ubiquitous computer technologies, a host of human and social factors that may preclude its full attainment. Presenters will discuss challenges to the successful implementation of ubiquitous learning from intrapersonal, interpersonal, social, economic, cultural, and political perspectives. They will invite attendees to discuss alternative conceptualizations of these challenges as well as potential solutions. The primary goal of this presentation is to discuss, explore, and debate ideas/strategies that may prove to be effective in broadly implementing ubiquitous learning opportunities in a wide range of learning contexts. We propose that a primary challenge to the wide-scale implementation and success of ubiquitous learning is the adoption of assumptions about individual capabilities, pedagogical processes, knowledge acquisition, and socio-economic processes. These assumptions are: (a) by creating conditions for learner agency, learners will demonstrate the expertise and personal qualities required to be effective knowledge-sharers and learning collaborators; (b) all learners are rich sources of diverse knowledge; (c) all learners possess capacities for the development of higher-order abstraction and cognitive complexity; (d) learning communities will accept unique learners who present/represent diverse sources of knowledge; and, (e) all learners will have access to technology resources required to sustain ubiquitous leaning environments. Presenters will structure the workshop in a manner that provides opportunities for all attendees to share ideas, respectfully challenge perspectives, and explore potential solutions.


Susan Miller
Research and Evaluation, Educational Research and Design, Ohio, United States

Kenneth L Miller
Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences and Counseling, Youngstown State University, Ohio, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Considering Digital Pedagogies


E-learning, Challenges, Ubiquitous Learning, Assumptions, Pedagogical Processes, Social Factors