Challenges to Ubiquitous Learning in an Age of Ubiquitous Computing: A Discussion of Critical Issues and Potential Solutions


Authors with pose critical questions related to the seven characteristic moves of ubiquitous learning in order to engage participants in depth discussions of these challenges as well as potential solutions. Prior to posing the questions identified below, authors will provide brief conceptualizations of each characteristic move and representative issues for discussion. Partial questions include: Move 1: Question 1-What are three challenges in blurring the spatial and temporal boundaries of education? Question 2-What are three possible solutions for achieving this goal in P-12 education, higher education, and the workplace? Move 2: Question 1-What are three challenges in helping learners assume greater responsibility for self-learning and shared learning? Question 2-What are three potential solutions for shifting the balance of agency to learners using the power of ubiquitous computing? Move 3: Question 1-What are the three challenges in accepting and using unique learner characteristics to promote learning? Question 2-What are three possible solutions for achieving this goal in P-12 education, higher education, and the workplace? Move 4: Question 1-What are three challenges in using a complex, multimodal system of content delivery given the power of ubiquitous computing? Question 2-What are three potential solutions for insuring the availability of multiple and connected modes of instruction?


Kenneth L Miller
Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences and Counseling, Youngstown State University, Ohio, United States

Susan Miller
Research and Evaluation, Educational Research and Design, Ohio, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Considering Digital Pedagogies


Ubiquitous Learning/Computing, Challenges, Critical Issues, Spatial and Temporal Boundaries