Using Online Formative Assessment to Support Learning


Formative assessment is often seen as a form for educators to understand how students are progressing in the course contents. However, we argue that formative assessment can be even more important for students to learn, raise awareness and gain confidence in their ability to learn. In this paper, we present a project carried out on the Moodle platform over a semester of 2021-2022. Students could answer each test freely and the teacher had access to logs resulting from student activities. The variables number of tests answered, number of response attempts and time spent in each test were analyzed. Depending on the results obtained, three patterns of student behavior were identified: proactive – they perform all the tests, challenging themselves to reduce time, the number of attempts and errors; pragmatic - perform the number of tests that allows them to obtain positive feedback, managing time and the number of attempts well; resigned - they do not perform or do not complete the tests, because they are convinced that they are not capable of learning, avoiding taking risks. The teachers’ satisfaction was evaluated, through questionnaires and interviews, regarding the use of Moodle tests to carry out the formative evaluation. It was concluded that the platform allows a good degree of freedom for the configuration of tests and construction of questions, allowing their analysis and validation, in Moodle itself. It was also concluded that formative assessment is a good tool accessible to teachers to help every student succeed in their learning.


Maria Pereira
Student, PhD, School of Education and Social Sciences - Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal

Rita Cadima
Researcher / Teacher, School of Education and Social Sciences, Politécnico de Leiria, Leiria, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Considering Digital Pedagogies


Formative Assessment; Basic Education; Moodle; Online Tests