Maximizing the Capstone Course in Psychology: Integrating the Past with the Future in One Course


Two movements in higher education were recently merged into our revised Capstone course: That institutions of higher education provide students with skills and prepare them for life after graduation and programs be assessed. Another challenge facing higher education in psychology is ensuring that both the graduate school-bound student and the peer who is not doing so, experience a meaningful capstone experience. With the growing demands for online education (even pre-COVID) creating a capstone experience that is equal in the face2face environment and the online one is challenging. In the new course, we wanted to keep the assessment of the program measures, integrate the assessment of our student profile and introduce three new elements: a literature review on a research topic, professional career development as a learning objective and the use of technology as a goal and an acquired skill. As a scaffold, we employed all five of the learning outcomes identified by the American Psychological Association (APA) (2013) for an undergraduate major in Psychology The course is divided into three parts: 1. Assessment and review, 2. Research project and 3. ePortfolio. The purpose of this paper is to describe the course and how it instantiates its learning objectives and meets programmatic assessment needs. The master course is shared. Special focus is devoted to the integration of skills and the assignments in which they were embedded.


Elisabeth Sherwin
Professor and Chair, Psychology, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

Robert Corwyn
Distinguished Professor, Psychology, UA Little Rock, Arkansas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Digital Institutions and Spaces