Statistics Lab in the Cloud Designed for Undergraduate Psychology Students


We developed an online statistics lab for undergraduate psychology students. This paper outlines the processes that we went through while developing the class. The first step was to develop the purpose and educational goals of the class. This step helps guide the rest of the process, so it is important to spend a significant amount of time creating your educational goals. Our class emphasizes learning to manipulate and analyze data using statistical software. The next step was to decide on the best platform. We have been using Blackboard for many years and considered using Blackboard. However, we wanted to offer a visually appealing platform that was more engaging, and easier to use. After comparing several platforms, we decided to use Wix. The next step was to design the website. The site has a homepage with a menu bar at the top of the page that allows students to select several topics, including the lab assignments that count toward student grades. Each tab in the menu has many resources, primarily instructional videos, and instructions. Students are allowed to complete assignments in either R or Excel, requiring instructional videos in R and Excel. There were challenges in figuring out the best way to upload videos, allow students to submit assignments, develop a method for students to submit their assignments, give students feedback, and keep up with grades. Over the past few years, we have tweaked the course, based on student feedback. We look forward to sharing the website and answering questions.


Robert Corwyn
Distinguished Professor, Psychology, UA Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

Elisabeth Sherwin
Professor and Chair, Psychology, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Arkansas, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Considering Digital Pedagogies


Online statistics lab, Teaching Online, Webpage design, Student support