Integration of Students in the University: Escape Room - "The Hidden Face of the Moon"


The difficulties of integration in the university environment, especially relevant and associated with the abandonment of undergraduate studies, have been markedly increased in times of pandemic. Interaction with other classmates, faculty and staff of the center decreased radically. The objective of this project was to facilitate intrasubgroup and intersubgroup communication in order to minimize communication problems and try to develop positive team and collaborative interactions among class members, favoring the integration of first-year students. “The “Escape Room” instrument was used, which has been designed by faculty, students, mentors and mentoring plan mentors. Changes in integration, interaction, knowledge of peers after the activity were evaluated. The characteristics of the activity and the variables of usefulness, interest and satisfaction were also evaluated. As well as, qualitatively, aspects to improve and positive aspects of the methodology used. The activity was carried out by 242 male and female students. Statistically significant differences were observed in the pre-post means in the variables “Knowledge of peers”; “Subgroup interaction” and “Knowledge of the services and possibilities of the Faculty”. 98.7% of the participants had enjoyed the activity, 100% had worked as a team to solve the riddles, 97.33% had found it interesting and 91.39% would participate in similar activities in the future. The activity had an impact on knowledge among students and was considered an interesting activity for practically all of them. In view of the results, it could be a useful activity for the integration of first year students in the university.


Yolanda López Del Hoyo
Senior Lecturer/Researcher, Psychology, Universidad de Zaragoza. Instituto Investigación Sanitaria Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2023 Special Focus—Smart Education 4.0 Empowering Learners and Educators