Critical Reflexibility in University Teaching: Case Applied through Virtual Peer-to-peer Tutorials


The study describes and deepens the improvement and innovation of university teaching based on processes of critical reflexivity through weekly virtual peer-to-peer tutorials with the use of Zoom Video Communications, taking as a reference teachers from the University of the Americas. It delves into the description and impact of these tutorials in teaching practice and how they are assumed from an opportunity for the professional development of teachers. From the methodological point of view, the research is qualitative descriptive, based on an intrinsic case study. The results allow establishing the qualities and attributes of the critical reflexivity processes that occur between peers through virtual tutorials, which has initially allowed progress towards the formation of learning communities, where jointly, inclusively, collaboratively, formative. and constructive, the teaching practices and processes that they declare in response to their needs are analyzed through processes of constructive critical reflection addressing methodological, evaluative, gender and intercultural strategies, as well as the use of technology in the classroom, and emerging issues that teachers themselves declare and that it was necessary to attend, jointly seeking alternatives to improve their classes, which has allowed them greater empowerment in their teaching role. It is concluded that the empowerment of teachers of the problems that arise in their own educational practices, their recognition, openness and possibility of dialogue about it, facilitated that they assumed an active role in the planning and development of their classes, incorporating pedagogical innovations with the use of technology, concurring a collaborative work between peers.


Marisol Alvarez Cisternas
Académica titular, Dirección de Desarrollo Docente y Facultad de Educación, Universidad de las Americas, Valparaíso, Chile

Matías González
Director de Desarrollo Docente, Vicerrectoría Académica, Universidad de Las Américas, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile

Karen Jiménez Mena
Académica, Vicerrectoría Académica, Universidad de Las Americas, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designing Social Transformations


Education, Reflexivity, Peer, Tutoring, Professional, Development