Re/humanising Education through Innovative Pedagogies in Digital Spaces


Teaching and learning are profoundly personal experiences, yet systems of education often prioritize disembodied and decontextualized approaches that continue the historical marginalization of the lives they seek to represent. Re/centring teachers and learners at the heart of education re/positions knowledge as contextual and constructivist while allowing teachers and students to leverage technology to enhance learning, rather than dictate it. Rehumanising education this way is at once pedagogical and practical and has the capacity to transform the classroom from a place too often characterized by what is missing to a place of presence. Through an exploration of innovative pedagogies supported by learning technologies, we seek to cultivate thinking about the social transformation possible in online spaces that resist the (often arbitrary) quantification of the human self.


Ellyn Lyle
Dean, Faculty of Education, Yorkville University, New Brunswick, Canada

Wendy Kraglund Gauthier
Associate Dean (Research) | Chair, Adult Education, Faculty of Education, Yorkville University, New Brunswick, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designing Social Transformations


Rehumanizing Education, Critical Praxis, Digital Pedagogies, Innovation