Students with Special Educational Needs: A Case at the University


The objective of this work is to reflect through the theoretical framework, on the access to the University for the formation in degree in teacher of primary education. The University Access Tests, in Spain, evaluate a series of skills and competences in writing, which leave aside the sample of another set of skills and tools, that this type of tests cannot evaluate. In the last years, a very much diversified student body arrives in the classrooms of the Universities. Now a days, talking about special education means attending to the changes that are being experienced in this area. At present, the educational model focuses on the reinforcement by the educational institutions, so that they form the students according to their personal characteristics and that it is not the students that must adapt to the system. A bibliographic review plus some years of experience in training for the future teacher, allows us to make an initial assessment about the lack of rigor in the tests of access to the university. As a conclusion, we can say that, although we are not a specialist in the type of Special Educational Needs that can manifest the students, therefore, we understand that, the teacher today needs training and support to develop their teaching with the best quality possible. These teacher and student needs also imply more institutional support.


Ana Mercedes Vernia Carrasco
Professor and Researcher, Education and Didactics Specifics, Jaume I University, Castellón, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designing Social Transformations


Training; Special Needs; Didactics; Music