Simulation as Clinical Education: Lessons from the Pandemic Shape Higher Education


As hospitals and clinics closed their doors to student learners in New York, new solutions for clinical training were required to keep students on path to graduation as expected. Clinical simulation has been a part of health science education for a number of years (Issenberg & Scalese, 2008). The pandemic forced health education programs to expand its use from supplemental to essential. This study showcases innovative solutions to clinical education used to replace clinical exposure during the pandemic that will remain imbedded in health professional education even as hospitals and clinics once again engage in clinical education.


Rivka Molinsky
Associate Dean of Students and Innovation, School of Health Sciences, Touro University, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2023 Special Focus—Smart Education 4.0 Empowering Learners and Educators


Simulation, Clinical Education, Innovation