Ready Learner One - How We Built A 'Real School' in the Cloud: Rundle Studio is a Unique Virtualized Program for Students with Complex Learning Needs


Rundle Studio (The Studio) is the first virtual school for students with complex learning needs in North America. The Studio is not a MOOC or a YouTube tutorial; it is a true school community in the cloud. At The Studio, all curriculum is delivered in a universally designed manner. The Studio engages its students in character, co-curricuricuar and in-school activities that you would see at a brick and mortar school. At the root of The Studio’s success is a deep sense of connectivity and belonging for the students and the staff. We’ve taken education from the classroom to the metaverse.


Jason Rogers
Student, EdD, MEd, BEd, Rundle College Society, Alberta, Canada

John Wolf
Principal, Rundle Studio, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


New Digital Institutions and Spaces


Metaverse, Virtual, Disabilities, Esports, Dyslexia