Hybrid Academy / Museum - Craft / Technology: Models of Encounter between Learning Spaces and Museum Spaces = HYBRID


The world is changing constantly and more dramatically since the “COVID era”. Education and culture should embrace the challenge and opportunity and analyze their needs and their target to adapt themselves to their clients and audiences. This in order to re- think, re-invent, re- create their methods, roles and approaches in order to accelerate a paradigm shift in learning and understanding the patterns of life. Suddenly we had the new oracle: the zoom! who forced us to amplify and hybridize our tools by finding new ways of exploration and understanding the interface between separate institutions and between the physical and the virtual. Museums need reinterpretation how they share the knowledge and enrich the visitors visual experience, academies need to adapt to a new era in order to stay relevant, innovative and fresh for new generation of students. The new models t go beyond the present boundaries of these institutions. The projects are located in MUSA, the Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, a multidisciplinary museum that exhibits Israeli culture, traditional and contemporary. The students were asked to leave their comfort zone behind and join a journey in which they Are asked to become innovators and thinkers, curators and researchers: to imagine & design a museum/academy model of encounter and connection = HYBRID, using traditional and technological tools. Hopefully…the hybrid is one whole, greater than the sum of each one’s parts.


Tal de Lange
Partner and Principle, Exhibition Design, Architecture, Museum Studies, Interior Design, Studio de Lange, Tel-Aviv, Israel


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Digital Institutions and Spaces


Hybrid, Museum, Academy, Craft, Technology, Cultural Residency, Innovation, Design Education