Authentic Communication Development for Leaders


The speaker will engage the participants colorfully in vivid descriptions of what true authenticity is and how it translates to effective communication in the workspace. Humorously detailing examples of success and failure through storytelling. The audience will laugh, relate, and let their guard down to learning as rapport is established. During the second segment, time will be strategically utilized to personalize authenticity to each leaders’ personal brand. Many people are under the assumption that true authenticity exists separate and apart from their true identity and story. Nothing could be further from the truth. The more of ourselves that we bring into the workspace, the more authentically we communicate. When our direct reports search for inconsistencies there are none to be found. This also offsets any feelings of inauthenticity, undue stress, and cognitive dissonance that occurs from having to leave our proverbial authentic self at the door of the establishment. When people are able to be genuine, honest, and comfortable in their skin in any organization, sentiments of organizational citizenship and loyalty are established. Thus, lowering attrition, heightening retention, and strengthening organizational culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout all levels of the organization. In the last segment, we will deliver an authenticity accountability call to action within an Authenticity Development Strategic Action Plan.


Shaan Rais
CEO / Professional Speaker and Branding Strategist, Omni Solutions Consultation, Omni Solutions Consultation, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2023 Special Focus—Smart Education 4.0 Empowering Learners and Educators


Branding, Mastery, Business, Mindset, Entrepreneur, Employee, Professional, Leadership, Development