Use of New Laboratory Technology in the Clinical Practice of the Veterinary Degree: Application in a Real Context in the Clinical Subjects of the Last Courses


Currently, equipment similar to those used in human medicine, represents a novelty in the field of veterinary clinical practice allowing a more accurate diagnosis. A teaching innovation group made up of professors from the Department of Animal Medicine of the University of Zaragoza have proposed an integration of the use of these new technologies in the practices of the clinical subjects of the last courses of Veterinary degree during the 2021-22 and 2022-23 academic years, following the line of previous experiences. The objective is having students acquire and train in skills and abilities in clinical and laboratory practice, especially promoting the use of new laboratory technology, in a real context. This experience is developed during the clinical practices of fourth and fifth year, in which students are divided in two groups within a scope of gamification: one group has the role of “clinicians” that carry out the exploration of the patient and the samples collecting and another group has the role of “technicians” who perform the clinical analyzes using modern devices helped by the laboratory technician. Subsequently, both groups together with the teacher, share the results, which are analyzed and discussed in order to reach a diagnosis following the guidelines of the Solving Problem Approach. At the end of the practice, the students complete a google survey with questions about the acquisition of skills, especially those related to the use of new technologies in the laboratory.


Laura Navarro
Associate Professor, Animal Medicine, Veterinary Faculty. University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Technologies of Mediation