Change of Students' Approach to the Use of Online Learning Environments During an Educational Project


The Bologna Process completed the elite phase of higher education and began the mass. However, twenty years later, we have not only mass education as a gift in itself, but also philosophical, structural, and functional changes and challenges in higher education. One such challenge is to encourage higher education institutions to make more active and extensive use of online sources of information, including VLE. VLE contributes to the organization of student-centered studies. What are the students’ attitudes towards the advantages and disadvantages of using VLE in the study process? The object of the paper is the attitude of university students towards the favorable and unfavorable factors of VLE usage in the study process. The goal is to reveal the students’ attitudes and their change towards the positive factors and interferences in the process of the application of VLE in the course of the pedagogical project. The research questions are: What are the factors driving the development of e-learning? What do students distinguish between favorable and unfavorable factors in the use of VLE in the study process? How have students changed their attitudes towards the positive and unfavorable factors of using VLE in the study process during the pedagogical project? In the autumn semester, a pedagogical project was implemented with 106 third-year students of Lithuanian, Russian, and Polish nationalities.The qualitative study analyzed in the article confirmed that didactics should consider the VLE as just another educational tool, but by no means as a panacea.


Ilona Valantinaitė
asocc. prof., Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2020 Special Focus - There is No Scale: Distance and Access in the Era of Distributed Learning