Technological Instructional Material Used by Trainee Teachers in Their Lesson Plans in Science and Mathematics


Technological instructional material has an important role in the learning process. However, research that focuses on the types of technological instructional material that are used in teaching is rather limited. In addition, there seems to be few projects that examine what types student teachers decide to use in their teaching sessions. This project investigates this topic. It focuses on the types of technological instructional material that trainee elementary school teachers include in the lesson plans that they prepare for the subjects of Mathematics and Science. For the scope of the research a total of 190 lesson plans in Mathematics and 235 lesson plans in Science have been collected and analyzed. These lesson plans were submitted by students who attend the fourth year of their course at the Pedagogic Department of Elementary Education, at the University of the Aegean, as part of their teacher training. The lesson plans were expected to be implemented in classes of the fifth or sixth grade of Elementary schools in Greece, where the two subjects are taught. Within this research the types of technological instructional materials that student teachers decide to use where identified and recorded. It was identified that certain types of technological instructional material where preferred to others. Moreover, it was concluded that in some types of technological instructional material there was differentiation between the two subjects.


Konstantinos Karampelas

Michael Skoumios
University of the Aegean


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Trainee teachers, Technological instructional material, ICT, Primary School, Science, Mathematics