To Play, Perchance to Learn: Designing a Mobile Game to Help Teach Hamlet


Games studies gained popularity in the last decade. It’s no secret that students play games (nearly 75% of them), and games possess narratives accessible to them. However, creating a game based on literature to help increase student access to complex texts treads on new ground. This lightning talk outlines the pedagogy of incorporating advanced technologies (AR/VR, games) into literature curriculum through designing a game. The talk centers on the findings of the design and testing process, including how student coders can gain insight into a play such as Hamlet merely by writing code for it. It also discusses how players can use existing game story experience to dissect and investigate complex literary narrative. Key findings include the effect on student engagement, collaboration, and surprising details about student sentiment toward their mobile devices and the assumptions of student digital literacy competence.


John Misak


Presentation Type

Online Lightning Talk




Video Games, Digital Literacy, Digital Humanities, Student Engagement