How a MOOC Platform Can Be Used to Support Traditional Teaching in Higher Education


The study attempts to identify how MOOC platforms can be used to support traditional learning systems (teaching a face-to-face course). The researcher used qualitative methods to address the research questions. The study took place at Sharurah College of the Science and Arts at Najran University at the KSA where students have the opportunity to study a face-to-face course integrated with a MOOC matching its learning syllabus. The face-to-face course is one of the author’s courses, which was taught on the campus and is called “Computer Education.” The MOOC has been seen as one of the resources to facilitate task-based learning. During the face-to-face classroom sessions, the researcher aimed to involve students in interactive activities, benefiting from those learning materials being asked to accomplish through attending the MOOC. In each session, the students were divided into four learning groups, and each group was given a task. In doing so, the author’s role as a teacher, research was to monitor the students’ performance and assess how they benefited from the learning materials, provided by the MOOC instructor, which he asked them to fulfill before each session. This paper presents findings optioned from analyzing the focus group interviews with students as well as observation data.


Mohssen Hakami
assistance professor/ Dean of ICT deanship, Najran University , Saudi Arabia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Active Learning, MOOC, Higher Education, Affordances