Telemental Health: The Effects and Innovations of Online Mental Health Counseling


Governments, colleges, organizations and universities are employing new delivery systems for counseling patients and educating students. New technologies (e.g., Skype, cellular phones, social media) are providing new opportunities for communication. One such opportunity emerging for this communication is the delivery of behavioral/mental health services to patients. Patients that have barriers or challenges to traditional services. Some of these challenges may include living in a rural setting, poverty and time management. The importance of training mental health counselors to provide behavioral health services to undeserved and rural populations is examined. Models for online training between teacher and student, supervisor and supervisee, and mental health provider and patient are explored and identified.


James (Todd) Mc Gahey
Professor, Professional Counseling and Leadership, Jacksonville State University, Alabama, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2020 Special Focus - There is No Scale: Distance and Access in the Era of Distributed Learning


Counseling, Online, Delivery, Telemental, Health