Designing Effective Teaching and Significant Learning: A Blueprint for Student Success


Faculty and instructional designers realize the importance they have in delivering quality courses. However, many faculty have had little formal education in the art of designing courses to deliver significant learning. In a time where the need for student success and retention through course and program completion is greater than ever, we examine how course design helps to achieve this goal. Session participants will actively learn how to apply the elements of designing quality courses. Participants will use hands-on materials to plan for integrating course design by identifying the situational factors and pedagogical challenges. Deeper discussions of developing and aligning course outcomes, assessments and learning activities will take place as participants will analyze one of their own courses to see how it can deliver significant learning. Faculty worldwide have told us how valuable this process is in designing the kind of courses they have always wanted to teach as they see their students succeed. Our hope is that, by the end of the session, participants will be able to reflect on the effect integrated designed course has on the ability to improve teaching and significant learning by: 1) planning for course situational factors and pedagogical challenges; 2) aligning course outcomes, assessments and learning activities; and 3) developing means for greater faculty “buy-in” as they participate in applications of design theory. Participants will apply the elements of designing quality courses, and use materials to plan for integrating course design as they analyze their own courses to deliver significant learning.


Zala Fashant
Chief Design Architect, Learning Designer, Professional Development, Minnesota State - Retired; Innovation Synergy (Greece/US), Minnesota, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation




Course Design, Significant Learning, Teaching, Learning, Pedagogy, Content, Higher Education