Teaching in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Challenges of New Learning Supported by New Technologies


The world is on the brink of, or already part of the 4IR (fourth industrial revolution), called by some an emerging new world order. Educating students in Institutions of Higher Education today like we did a half century ago, has now become education to a “quickly vanishing world.” The way in which the content of subjects is communicated and educated should change drastically, especially in South Africa, in order to prepare our students to become or stay relevant in the current (post-) postmodern society. To address the challenges of new learning, which should be supported by new technologies, the proposed model of (“new”) education is called an outside-in model, contrasted to the current inside-out model being followed in South Africa. Our students must be taught to develop a sense of deep learning, to learn as part of groups, and to use social media in the service of education. The question that each educator should ask themselves nowadays, is: Am I really preparing my students for the future they face?


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




New Learning, New Technologies, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Higher Education